Friday, July 8, 2011

The 2011 Douglass Alumni Reunion & the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Reunion: PICTURES

Here's a breakdown of the pictures of the events from the Douglass Alumni Reunion and the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Reunion.

The combined event was a first for both organizations, with a pledge from both governing boards that from this point forward, future reunions will be held together, coordinated by both groups.


The excitement of the weekend began here, in the Douglass Community Room of the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex. This was the first time Douglass Alumni and Ebony Club Alumni had ever mingled together, and there was plenty of hugs while registering each of their members for the Reunions. Everything went rather smoothly (except for a mix-up over the starting times).

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass-Ebony Club Reunion Registrations.


Crepe Myrtles, native to China, have flourished well in the United States, notedly in the temperate regions that are south of the Ohio River. Well known for its beautiful blooms, it's valued as a landscaping plant, and now a special crepe myrtle tree is gracing the courtyard of the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex. Dedicated by the Kingsport Ebony Club at the 2011 Reunion as a living memorial to the history of the club at Dobyns-Bennett High School, club members also launched balloons as a tribute to the former alumni who have passed on in the past two years since the 2009 Reunion.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Ebony Club Alumni's Tree Dedication and Balloon Launch.


There was some high-struttin' at the Riverview Splashpad on Friday afternoon, as models from the community showed off the latest fashions. The concrete sidewalks along the Splashpad adequatedly served as runways, in a scene just as good as what you'd see in New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Rome and London. As folks heard about the fashion show and rushed to see it, it was over, leaving folks hoping that more displays of fashion will provide our folks with a chance at "Puttin' on the Ritz."

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Ebony Club Fashion Show at the Splashpad.


Riverview always throws a good party, and the Ebony Club took advantage of the fact that in years past, the Douglass Alumni Association itself has hosted a street party. The roads were blocked off in front of the Douglass Ballfield, and both Ebony Club and Douglass Alumni shared music, food and fellowship with the residents of the new Riverview Place Homes nearby. The Block Party carried on into the night, as the ballfield lights were turned on and folks didn't seem to want the party to end.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures of the Ebony Club Block Party.


After registration, it's traditional for Douglass Alumni to commune with each other in a sense of togetherness. For a long time, that event was held in one of the small meeting rooms at Meadowview, but this year, it was held in the Douglass Community Room. This venue offered more room to move around and no other events (weddings, meetings, etc) going on. Interesting to note that many Douglass Alumni spent time both at this event and the Ebony Club Block Party, within walking distance down Louis Street.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures of the Douglass Friday Night Get-Together.


The largest group of golfers ever fielded for a Douglass Reunion golf tournament, Warriors Path State Park was virtually a playground for experienced, and not-so-experienced golfers, whose fees were donated for the benefit of scholarships for the descendants of Douglass Alumni. Ironically, some of them are also children of Ebony Club Alumni, too. Although everybody did reasonably well on the golf course, we did notice "a lot of cussing" among players, all of it good-natured. It's no secret that all the golfers had a great time!

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament.

Winners in the A Group are: G. Mann, 1st place with a 76.. James Cornett, 2nd place with a 78.. Author Dunn, 3rd place with 79.. and Jim Hickman, 4th place with an 82.

Winners in the B Group are: Robert Lytel, 1st place with a 78.. Daniel Jones, 2nd place with a 78.. George Hall, 3rd place with an 80.. and Steve Hanes, 4th place with an 83.

Winners in the C Group are: Scotty Dykes, 1st place with an 85.. Charles Hartsell, 2nd place with an 86.. Rev. Kenneth Calvert, 3rd place with an 86.. and John Young, 4th place with a 91.

Winners in the D Group are: G. J. Hickman, 1st place with a 91.. Ronnie Stover, 2nd place with a 99.. Gary McKesson, 3rd place with a 100.. and Rick Spivey, 4th place with a 104.

All the golfers above were presented trophies.


Borden Park was one of just two off-campus events during the 2011 Reunions. With music, hamburgers, hot dogs and chips among other goodies, it was possible to get full and start nodding off because it was so comfortable sitting in the shade. For the kids, we saw face-painting, basketball and a giant, inflatable for kids to jump around in (and not just the kids enjoyed this one--some of the big kids got in some exercise time, too).

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Ebony Club Alumni Family Cookout.


Although Douglass Reunion Field Days in the ballfield always get a crowd relaxing under the tents and sampling food from the vendors, field days also have a tendency to attract people just driving by on Louis Street and Lincoln Street.. many of those folks drive by slowly, seeing who's out, and then parking nearby and coming over to say hello. It's considered the "family reunion" part of the Reunions, because at these things, everybody is related to everybody else.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass Reunion Field Day.



The meeting was to elect new officers for the Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. Executive Board for the . The 2011-2013 officers are: President, Virginia Hankins... Vice-President, Andra Watterson.. Treasurer, Lillian Leeper... Financial Secretary, Ozine Bly... Corresponding Secretary, Pam Sensabaugh... Recording Secretary, Vici Smith... Sergeant-At-Arms, Wallace Ross, Jr... Chaplain, Louetta Hall... along with permament Executive Board Member Van Dobbins, Jr. (food service & hospitality)... and permanent Executive Board Member Calvin Sneed (Public and Media Relations, Website Manager).

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass Alumni Business Meeting.


It's no secret that the Douglass Alumni were happier, not having to dress up for a banquet. Everybody let their hair down, and then got down with the music of "The Jazzmaster." This was also the time when bids were tallied up for the silent auction, and the winners were announced. Newly-elected alumni treasurer Lillian Leeper got a crash course in balancing the books as winning bidder after bidder came forward with their monies, as their names were announced as winners of the donated merchandise.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass Alumni Saturday Night Get-Together.



The second of two off-campus venues for the 2011 Reunion, Rascals became a popular haven for the Ebony Club Alumni two years ago, and this time around, even many of the Douglass Alumni stopped by to once again, hear the humor of our own Xavier "Tim" Hall. The band also had many people dancing the night away. The fact that everybody was dressed in white, lent an air of elegance to the festivities.

Click here to see the video of Xavier "Tim" Hall showing out at Rascals

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Ebony Club All-White Party at Rascals.


Always a solemn occasion, the 2011 memorial service featured the traditional reading of names of the Douglass alumni who have passed on since the last reunion, symbolized with the lighting of a single candle in their memory. Guest speaker Rev. Helen Horton Styles reminded the group of the togetherness that bound Douglass alumni with the Riverview Community, and the humble beginnings where we all came from, dictate how we should represent ourselves in life. It was also a joyous reunion for former Douglass Tigerettes when former women's basketball player Johnnie Mae Nash stopped by. Some of her fellow Tigerettes spent quality time talking old times and experiences. Johnnie Mae has had health problems are just recently moved back to the Tri-Cities area from Michigan.

Click here to see some of the former Douglass Tigerettes singing their fight song.

Click here to see a slideshow and pictures from the Douglass-Ebony Club Alumni Memorial Service.

At the gathering, the 2011 Douglass Scholarship winners were announced. They are: Brenton T. Leeper, son of Tonya Leeper and his 'nanna' Shelia Leeper, who receives a $500 scholarship. He is attending Brevard College in North Carolina. His major is undecided, but he says, he's leaning towards studying psychology. Also awarded a $500 scholarship is Briasha D. Russell, daughter of Dion Russell and the granddaughter of Monique Henry will be majoring in exercise science at Carson-Newman College.
And D-B football standout Chris Sensabaugh is also the recipient of a $500 scholarship. Chris is the son of Pam and Brandon Sensabaugh and he plans to major in health science.

Also held this year, was the Ebony Club Alumni Association's business meeting at the Golden Corral, where the pursuit of a united reunion with the Douglass Alumni in two years, was discussed in a very positive direction.

Also, watch here for the Reunion pictures that Donna Morrisette took. As soon as I can get them downloaded, you'll find them in this spot.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: On a personal note, everybody had a good time at the reunions.. even your Douglass website manager capturing the events on camera for your enjoyment. I was glad to see everybody, and as you can see, somebody pegged me at either the Douglass get-together or the All-White party Saturday night, and left a calling card of lipstick on my cheek. I must have worn it for a couple of hours before it was noticed. I don't know who the culprit is.. I kissed so many women that Saturday night LOL!).

Start getting ready for Reunion 2013. It's going to be a beaut!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reunion Pictures on the Way!

We're winding down from one of the most exciting reunions we've ever had in Riverview.

Alumni from the Sons and Daughters of Douglass and the Kingsport Ebony Club are returning to their homes, with their hearts full of fellowship from seeing family and friends, and their eyes and minds full of excitement, at seeing the "new" V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex, and the "new" Riverview Place homes.

We are working on the pictures from the events (more than a thousand in all, including your personal pictures from the Kingsport Independence Day Parade), and will have those available to you shortly.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reunion Guide - Condensed Version to Print & Carry During the Reunion

*Douglass-Ebony Club Registration & Check-In, 12 PM - 4 PM, Douglass Community Room
*Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Tree Dedication, 4:30 PM, Douglass Community Room.
*Kingsport Ebony Club Fashion Show, 6 PM, Riverview Splash Pad.
*Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Block Party 5 PM - 10 PM, Louis St. at MLK Blvd.

*Douglass Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament, 8 AM, Warriors Path State Park.
*Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Family Day Cookout, 11 AM - 4 PM, Borden Park.
*Douglass Alumni Field Day Get-Together, 12 Noon - 3 PM, Douglass Ballfield.
*Douglass Alumni Business Meeting, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Douglass Community Room.
*Douglass Alumni Get-Together, 8 PM - ?? Douglass Community Room.
*Kingsport Ebony Club All-White Party, 9 PM - 1:30 AM Rascals, 125 Cumberland St.

*Douglass Alumni & Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni: Church Services of your choice.
*Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Business Meeting, 1 PM - 2 PM, Golden Corral.
*Douglass Alumni Memorial Service, 3 PM, Douglass Community Room.

MONDAY, JULY 4TH: Kingsport 4th of July Parade, 10 AM - 12 Noon, Center Street.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your Guide to A Reunion of Fun!

For your convenience, below is an easy guide to the 2011 Reunions for the Sons and Daughters of Douglass and the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association for the July 4th weekend. The $100 registration for Douglass alumni will admit you to the events for the Douglass Reunion (Field Day and the Memorial Service are free) and with the $25 dollar registration for Ebony Club members, that fee gets you food at the Family Day Cookout and the All-White Party at Rascals.

This guide features dates, times and events, so you can coordinate your schedule.

This one is about 12 pages, but you can print this guide to carry with you for future reference:


Douglass Alumni Registration & Check-In
12 Noon - 4 PM
Douglass Community Room
V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex
Lite hors d'œuvres
On Display: Douglass Souvenir and Sports Memorabilia items of interest in the Silent Auction.. successful bidders will be announced at the Douglass Reunion Get-Together Saturday night.

Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Registration & Check-In
12 Noon - 4 PM
Douglass Community Room
V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex
Lite hors d'œuvres
On Display: Douglass Souvenir and Sports Memorabilia items of interest in the Silent Auction

Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Tree Dedication (Douglass Alumni are welcome)
4:30 PM
Courtyard outside the Douglass Community Room, V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex

This event will highlight the dedication of a tree in honor of past Ebony Club members no longer with us. The tree is located in the courtyard of the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex, just outside the Douglass Community Room. At the same event, balloons will be released in memory of past club years and events that heralded the group while at Dobyns-Bennett High School.

Kingsport Ebony Club Fashion Show (Douglass alumni are welcome), sponsored by New Vision Youth
6 PM
Riverview Splash Pad

Bring your lawn chairs and see Riverview's own "strut their stuff" in glamorous outfits and clothing in an outdoor setting. From the days of Douglass, the community has always been known to have some of the best-dressed folks in Kingsport, and whether they were on the Douglass Auditorium stage, or the hallowed hardwood of the Douglass gymnasium, the community always warmed up to the latest designs. Get ready to see very classy and sophisticated clothes, clean and sleek lines and colors. It's the chance to see very creative and colorful outfits modeled by our own citizens.

Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Block Party (Douglass Alumni are welcome)
5 PM - 10 PM
A portion of Louis Street at MLK blocked off.

A street party reminiscent of Riverview's past, with music, outdoor dancing, sidewalk events, kids' facing painting, watermelon slices & bottled water at the neighborhood's most famous block. Music provided by Dee Jay Stokley on the Wheels of Steel. Lawn chairs are optional.



Douglass Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament (Ebony Club Alumni are welcome)
8 AM Tee-off time
Warriors Path State Park Golf Course, Colonial Heights

This charity golf tournament will probably be the biggest in Riverview's history, with at least 50 golfers in 4-person teams participating. Proceeds from the golf tournament will benefit the Douglass Alumni Scholarship Fund, given to deserving Douglass descendants either bound for college, or already in college, every year.

Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Family Day Cookout (Douglass Alumni are welcome)
11 AM - 4 PM
Borden Park, Shelters 1 & 2
($10 dollars for non-Ebony Club alumni)

One of the newest venues for a Riverview reunion, bring your lawn chairs to Borden Park, where there'll be a cookout for the Ebony Club Alimni, featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and activities for the kids.

Douglass Alumni Field Day Get-Together (Ebony Club Alumni are welcome)
12 Noon - 3 PM
Douglass Ballfield

Probably the most familiar site in a Douglass reunion, the historic ballfield has hosted many spirited Douglass football practices and band rehearsals over the school years. Now with shelters and tents, food, trinket and information vendors will be present for Field Day, along with self-guiding tours of the nearby HOPE VI Homes and the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex. Take the opportunity to see how the Riverview neighborhood has re-invented itself in an atmosphere of fellowship. Another event where lawn chairs will keep you comfortable.

Douglass Alumni Business Meeting (Ebony Club Alumni are welcome)
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Douglass Community Room
V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex

The biggest reason for the reunion of Douglass Alumni: the bi-annual election of new Executive Officers for the Board of the Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. for a two-year term. The new officers will be sworn in
and the goals for the next two years will be discussed. Also announced will be the results of the Douglass Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament, with the winners presented their trophies.

Douglass Alumni Get-Together (Ebony Club Alumni are welcome)
8 PM - ??
Douglass Community Room

This event replaces the old banquet that used to dress us up in fancy attire. A survey of alumni revealed that nobody really wanted to dress up when they reunion, so the Events Planning Committee decided on an event where you can just let your hair down (those of us who still have hair, and others whose hair would come down anyway LOL! At this event, winners and successful bidders in the Silent Auction will be announced. (BYOB, but drinking not allowed on city property)

Kingsport Ebony Club All-White Party (Douglass Alumni are welcome)
9 PM - 1:30 AM
Rascals, 125 Cumberland Street, Kingsport
Light hors d'oeuvres
($10 at the door for non-Ebony Club alumni)

At Rascals, the "laughs will be on us" as the nightly comedy show takes on a distintive Ebony Club flavor. If you missed it 2 years ago, Riverview's own Xavier "Tim" Hall left folks is stitches as he entertained the crowd with a downhome sense of neighborhood humor. The comedy promises to be just as amusing for Ebony Club Alumni night. Leave the kids at Grandma's, because the humor will be of an adult nature.



Douglass Alumni & Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni: Church Services of your choice

Central Baptist Church, 301 Carver St.
Shiloh Baptist Church, 712 E. Sevier Ave.
Ebenezer Baptist Church, 1026 Maple St.
Bethel AME Zion Church, 812 Mapleoak Ln.
St. Mark United Methodist Church, 929 Maple St.
Great Commission Church, 1249 Chestnut St.
Mt. Vernon Holiness Church, 386 Dunbar St.
Lyons Chapel AME Church, 303 New Canton Rd.

Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Business Meeting (Douglass Alumni welcome)
1 PM
Golden Corral, 1910 North Eastman Road

This meeting will be held to coordinate and discuss the upcoming goals for the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association.

Douglass Alumni Memorial Service (Ebony Club Alumni welcome)
3 PM
Douglass Community Room
V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex

Traditionally, the last event of the Reunion weekend for the Sons and Daughters of Douglass. During the Memorial Service, there will be the lighting of a special candle to honor deceased alumni over the past two years, and the dedication of the Douglass Teachers' Bench outside in the V.O. Dobbins Courtyard.



Mack Riddle - American Legion Kingsport 4th of July Parade
10 AM - 12 Noon
Center Street, Kingsport

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Douglass Alumni Working Board Meeting Minutes - June 25, 2011

Those in attendance: Sheila Leeper, Pamela Sensabaugh, Lillian Leeper, Bert Webb Lanauze, Andra Watterson, Dee Dee Horton, Donald Hickman, Frank Horton, Douglas Releford, Louetta Hall, Judy Phillips, Thelma Watterson
Wallace W. Ross, Jr., Ruth Russell, Calvin Sneed. Quorum met.

Meeting was bought to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by Chaplin Louetta Hall.

Chynet Hale and Karen Williams were present to present the menu for the reunion. Frank Horton accepted the Menu on behalf of the Event Planning Committee.

Reading of the last meeting minutes was read by Thelma Watterson. Motion to accept the reading was made by Louetta Hall, second by Pamela Sensabaugh. Motion carried.

There was no financial report.

Frank Horton made a motion that when the treasurer is absent, the checkbook should be available to the next person in charge.

Old Business:

For Friday night "Meet and Greet," Roberta Lanauze, Dee Dee Horton, Donald Hickman and Frank Horton graciously volunteered to pay for eats that the alumni board furnishes.

Calvin Sneed announced that the Douglass stadium seats will soon be available on the Douglass web site. Cost for the seats are $100 and $14 for the plaques. Andra Watterson suggested that for those who purchase seats allow Calvin to have the plaques purchased at the same place so that all plaques will be uniform. (EDITORS NOTE: A website article on this fundraiser will be published soon).

Wallace Ross, Jr. suggested that all vendors be given a wrist band so those in charge can identify with who has paid. Douglas Releford stated that as registrants register and receive their packet they will be given a wrist band. Douglas also said that the Ad/Souvenir booklets will be ready for pick-up Thursday (June 30, 2011). A sample booklet was presented to the board.

Douglas Releford ordered 50 golf shirts for the Golf Tournament, shirts will be available Thursday June 30th.

For those who volunteered to help stuff reunion packets we will meet in the Alumni office Thursday (June 30, 2011) at 2:00 p.m.

There will be a silent auction starting Friday July 1st through Saturday July 2nd in the Douglass Community Room.

Remember, Saturday night, July 2nd, is casual it is also BYOB night..

Donald Hickman suggested that we need to include the Ebony Club as part of our monthly meetings, Calvin Sneed said that it is imperative that we forge a relationship with them.

New Business:

Lillian Leeper reported that the Scholarship Committee had received three applications, the recipients are Briasha Russell, Brent Leeper and Chris Sensabaugh. The amount given to each recipient is $500.

The Treasury Report will be included in the minutes beginning with the next meeting minutes.

A business meeting will be from 5:30-6:30 pm after Sunday memorial service to elect new officers for the following positions. President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Sergeant-At-Arms and Chaplain.


Donald Hickman made a motion to the alumni to express their appreciation to Douglas Releford for his tireless dedication to the association.

Dee Dee Horton expressed her desire to want to be a part of an association that is so dedicated and fun.

Alumni in charge of Friday Registration @ 4:00 pm: Pamela Sensabaugh, Sheila Leeper, Lillian Leeper and Ruth Russell.

Louetta Hall will bring a candle for the One Candle Ceremony and the flower arrangement.

The board was undecided as to where we go to eat after Memorial service on Sunday.

Adjournment was made by Roberta Lanauze, second by Sheila Leeper.

Calvin Sneed will publish the menu for Saturday.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ebony Club Reunion Agenda


12-4: Conference Check-In/Registration (V.O. Dobbins Community Center)

6-9: Block Party (Riverview)


11-4: Family Day (Borden Park)

8-Whenever: All-White Party (Adults Only) (Rascals) ($10)


10-2: Church Services

2-4: Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association Organizational Meeting (Old Ramada Inn, East Stone Drive)

Proposed Subcommittees

■Block Party
■Family Day
■All-White Party
■Anthony Eckles Tribute
■Balloon Release for Deceased Members
■Virgealia Ellis Scholarship Committee

Subcommittee Heads are automatically appointed to the CORE PLANNING COMMITTEE. Heads are expected to participate in all conference calls and face-to-face meetings.

Douglass Alumni Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2011

Attendance: Douglas Releford, Lillian Leeper, Ruth Russell, Vicki Smith, Thelma Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Andra Watterson, Sandra Wilmer, Dawnella Ellis, Pamela Sensabaugh, Louetta Hall, Wallace W. Ross, JR., Van Dobbins, JR.

Quorum Met.

Meeting was bought to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by Ruth Russell.

Minutes of the last meeting was read by Thelma Watterson. Motion to accept the reading was made by Lillian Leeper, second by Pamela Sensabaugh. Motion carried.

Financial Report was given by Sandra Wilmer, motion to accept the financial report was made by Louetta Hall, second by Andra Watterson & Ruth Russell. Motion carried.

The Alumni Board will send flowers to the Eula Leeper family.


Douglas Releford suggested that we need to designate someone to collect monies from vendors on Field Day and to set a deadline. Wallace W. Ross, Jr. stated that when he collected monies from vendors in the past he did not know who had or had not paid. Calvin Sneed suggested one week before the event which would have been June 30th, Andra Watterson suggested June 25th that is what the board agreed upon.

All vendors will pay $35 for two days whether or not they occupy the two day event, all money is non-refundable. A motion for a $5.00 late fee registration was made by Lillian Leeper, Second by Vicki Smith & Calvin Sneed. Motion carried. Douglass Releford asked for volunteers to collect money from the vendors, Vicki Smith & Lillian Leeper volunteered.

Pamela Sensabaugh asked if the alumni was going to add James Henry’s name under the Douglass Alumni name. After some discussion a motion was made by Thelma Watterson, second by Andra Watterson & Pamela Sensabaugh to leave the Douglass Alumni Office the way it is without any additions.

The new name after all paperwork has been finalized will be Sons and Daughters Inc.


Douglas Releford stated that people have asked him if there was anything going on after memorial service. It was suggested that we have food catered to the Douglass Community Room.

Calvin Sneed made a motion to accept the catering, second by Pamela Sensabaugh. The menu consists of chicken, 2 veggies, drinks, bread and dessert.

Douglas Releford will check with Golden Coral & Sheila Releford and Lillian Leeper will check with Nick’s Chicken & Bill Brooks.

Finalizations by The Event Planning Committee

* Finalize the refreshments for Friday.
* Names of the scholarship recipients.
* Obituaries for the past two years. (Need a volunteer).
* One Candle Ceremony.
* Move the Memorial Service from the gymnasium to the Community Room.
* No James Henry honoree.

There will be a call meeting after all details for the reunion have been worked out.

Motion for adjournment was made by Lillian Leeper, second by Pamela Sensabaugh. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary

Friday, May 27, 2011

Douglass Alumni Board Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2011

Meeting in the Eastman Conference Room of the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex.

Attendance: Sheila Leeper, E. Ruth Russell, Dawnella Ellis, Kathy Evans, Sandra Wilmer, Douglas Releford, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Thelma Watterson, Ozine Bly, Louetta Hall, Judy Phillips, quorum met.

Meeting was called to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by Ruth Russell.

Minutes of the last meeting was read by Thelma Watterson. Motion to accept the reading was made by Kathy Evans, second by Andra Watterson. Motion carried.

Financial Report was given by Sandra Wilmer. Motion to accept the report was made by Andra Watterson, second by Dawnella Ellis. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Thelma Watterson read the minutes from the February 21, 2009 meeting about who should receive flowers. The minutes state that the Trustee Board Members immediate family will receive flowers and all other alumni will receive a card. There was discussion about whether or not amendments should be made concerning the sending of flowers. Douglas Releford stated that we should leave the by-laws the way they are. Calvin Sneed made a motion that the board should give Douglas some money since he (Douglas) took it upon himself to send Coach Deering flowers, second by Thelma Watterson. Motion carried.

Ozine Bly wanted to know where the reunion dance (food, fun & entertainment) would take place because the location was not included in the minutes. At the close of the last meeting it was not clear as to where the dance would be, but it will be held at the Mead Cabins.

Douglas Releford stated that we need to finalize the work on the Ad Booklet. A meeting is planned for June 4, 2011 to finalize. Douglas also reported that the scholarship Committee has sent 29 letters to the graduating seniors.

New Business:

Dawnella Ellis wanted to know how many vendors we have for Field Day, no one knew.

Andra Watterson suggested that we need to have refreshments for Friday Registration Day.. Douglas Releford will advise the Event Planning Committee.

Sandra Wilmer asked if we really need a telephone in the office. Douglas Releford stated that we have a one year package deal that includes internet and telephone; after the year is up we will re-negotiate.

Calvin Sneed stated that he was going to start-up the on-line merchandise store.
Next meeting is scheduled for June, 4, 2011.

Adjournment was made by Ozine Bly, second by Andra Watterson. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Douglass School Spirit Online Store Grand Opening!

Time to show your school spirit. Please check the column to the left.

We have now opened the official Douglass School Apparel and Souvenir Store. It is an online store, and the majority of the profits go to your Douglass Alumni Association, the Sons and Daughters of Douglass, headquartered in our Riverview community in Kingsport.

We offer T-shirts, sweat shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, polo, golf shirts and other clothing for men, women, junior girls, boys and girls... to mugs, travel mugs, water bottles.. even stadium seats, blankets and scarves that you can show off at athletic events you attend. EVEN PAJAMA PANTS. Yes, pajama pants for women (I think men could wear them, too hehe!).

There is no limit to how much you can order, because each item is made when you order. All orders are shipped to U.S. post office addresses, and there is a small shipping fee. Expect your genuine Douglass School merchandise to arrive in 5 to 10 days.

We are working on including many items with our new official name: Sons and Daughters of Douglass. Those items should be in the School Store by Wednesday, May 18th. It's the ultimate way to show off your exclusive Douglass School spirit.

Order now, and strut your new stuff at the Reunion!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2011 Souvenir Ad Booklet

The Souvenir Ad Booklet is coming back for the 2011 Douglass Alumni Reunion, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever!

This year, the booklet will include pictures from the historical years at Douglass High School, and your friends and neighbors from the Riverview Community.

It will be a coffee table book, guaranteed to spark memories when you see it, and questions from other folks when they notice it in your living room.

As before, we ask that you become a patron of the Souvenir booklet, by purchasing an ad to be published in the book. Prices for each ad are in the flyer. Click on the flyer to the right, to make it bigger, and print a copy to fill out and mail in with your ad and your payment. The address is on the flyer. You can also email your ad or its layout to, and as before, we will design a nice ad for you.

Proceeds from the Souvenir Ad Booklet go to the Alumni Scholarship Fund and to programs administered by the Alumni Association.

Please help support our non-profit organization by taking out an ad today!

Douglass Alumni Board Meeting Minutes: Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sons And Daughters Of Douglass Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2011


Sandra Wilmer, Ethel Ruth Russell, Pamela Sensabaugh, Andra Watterson, Roberta Lanauze,Douglas Releford, Calvin Sneed, Frank Horton, Dee Dee Horton, Wallace W. Ross, Jr., Dawnella Ellis, Thelma Watterson. Quorum met.

Visitors: Karen Williams, Linda Scofield, Brenda Watterson.

Meeting was called to order by Douglas Releford, prayer by Ethel Russell.

Sick Report was given and everyone was asked to remember our sick and shut-ins in our prayers.

Members of Great Commission Church were present to put in a bid to cater the Douglass Reunion July 4th weekend.

There was considerable discussion about where the reunion would actually take place. Douglas Releford read the minutes of January 29, 2011 taken by Virginia Hankins to clear up miss confusion about where the reunion would be held and Calvin Sneed read excerpts from the minutes taken by Dawnella Ellis on February 26, 2011 concerning the reunion.

Financial Report was given by Sandra Wilmer, motion to accept the financial report was made by Calvin Sneed, second by Andra Watterson. Motion carried.

Douglas Releford handed out a list of the seniors graduating from Dobyns-Bennett High School.

He also suggested that the Scholarship Committee send out scholarship applications.

Old Business:

Discussion about the Souvenir Booklet: Due to time constraints, Calvin Sneed suggested that Douglas Releford talk to Rev. Mills about the layout of the Souvenir/Ad Booklet. Dee Dee Horton suggested that if everyone takes a couple names from the previous ads to call that will help with finances and expedite the time. Calvin Sneed will be responsible for marketing the booklet.

Roberta Lanauze suggested that the deadline for all events concerning the reunion should be May 31, 2011 the board agreed.

Frank Horton is responsible for taking food service bids for the reunion.

Douglas Releford stated that a standing committee (i.e., Event Planning Committee) has the power to make decisions without going through the Working Board, and that anyone that is not a committee member has the right to report on behalf of a committee. Douglass made a motion to give the EPC sole authority to make decisions without the board, second by Sandra Wilmer. Motion carried.

Roberta Lanauze suggested that corrections should be made to the reunion letters on the Douglass website. Discussion was made to clean up the present Douglass Logo.

Bernard Humphrey will provide the music for the reunion, by a show of hands motion was accepted.

Schedule of events is as follows:

Friday, July 1, 2011- Community Block Party/Reunion Registration- Check-in, V.O.
Dobbins Complex.

Saturday, July 2, 2011- Scholarship Golf Tournament, Warriors Park Golf Course.

Saturday, July 2, 2011- Douglass Reunion Field Day.

Saturday, July 2, 2011- Douglass Reunion Dance (food, fun & entertainment).

Sunday, July 3, 2011- 3:00 p.m. Douglass Reunion Memorial Service, V.O. Dobbins Complex Gymnasium.

Next Douglass Alumni Board meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2011, at 1:00 pm at the Dobbins Complex.

Motion for adjournment was made by Sandra Wilmer, second by Andra Watterson.

Respectfully Submitted,
Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reunion Special Rates at Meadowview

If you're planning to reserve rooms at the Meadowview Conference Resort and Convention Center in Kingsport for the upcoming Douglass Reunion, we have a special rate:

The rate is $89.00, times 16.5% local and state sales tax.
TOTAL: $103.69

Rooms can be reserved for Thursday, June 30th.. Friday, July 1st.. Saturday, July 2nd, and Sunday, July 3rd.

The deadline for reservations with a credit card, is June 9, 2011.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Douglass Alumni Board Meeting Notice



Douglas S. Releford

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 Douglass Reunion Registration Forms & Letter


If you don't receive your registration forms in the mail, we have the forms here. Please click on the pictures below, print them and send them in with the required fee. The address is on the forms.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please make your check payable to: Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. This is a name change from the "Douglass Alumni Association."

They are what you will need to attend the reunion. There is no deadline up until July 1st, but please don't wait until the last minute. The sooner you can get registered, the better.

If you do not plan to attend the reunion this year, please remember your Alumni Association with a generous contribution.